- 在项目根目录下 创建 .env 文件,写入以下内容
LICENSE 随便写,主要为了骗过验证程序
- 删除验证的逻辑
export async function validateLicense (opts: { key: string, dir: string, theme: { env: string, link: string } }) { if (!opts.key) { throw _createError(`Missing \`${opts.theme.env}\` license key.\nPurchase Nuxt UI Pro at \`${opts.theme.link}\` to build your app in production.`) }
const gitInfo = (opts.key !== 'oss') ? undefined /* privacy */ : await _getLocalGitInfo(opts.dir) || _getGitEnv() const projectName = gitInfo ?
${gitInfo.owner || ''}/${gitInfo.name || ''}
: await _getPkgName(opts.dir)try { await ofetch('https://api.nuxtlabs.com/ui-pro/verify', { headers: { Authorization:
key ${opts.key}
, 'x-nuxt-project': projectName }, params: gitInfo ? { gitRepo: gitInfo.name, gitOrg: gitInfo.owner, gitUrl: gitInfo.url } : {} }) } catch (error) { const statusType = Math.round((error as FetchError).status as number / 100) if (statusType === 4) { throw _createError(Invalid \
${opts.theme.env}` license key.\nPurchase Nuxt UI Pro at `${opts.theme.link}` to build your app in production.`) } throw _createError('Cannot validate Nuxt UI Pro License: ' + error) } }
主要删除try catch,不再抛出了异常,删除之后
export async function validateLicense (opts: { key: string, dir: string, theme: { env: string, link: string } }) { if (!opts.key) { throw _createError(`Missing \`${opts.theme.env}\` license key.\nPurchase Nuxt UI Pro at \`${opts.theme.link}\` to build your app in production.`) }
const gitInfo = (opts.key !== 'oss') ? undefined /* privacy */ : await _getLocalGitInfo(opts.dir) || _getGitEnv() const projectName = gitInfo ?
${gitInfo.owner || ''}/${gitInfo.name || ''}
: await _getPkgName(opts.dir)
- 不能更新ui-pro,否则就会覆盖
- 编译发布系统,也需要坐上述操作
- 有条件的还是支持官方购买链接,毕竟没有支持,就没有创新